Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pura Tirta Empul Tampak Siring

Charm of the island was never out to be enjoyed and not be cracked at meal time. Various cultural heritage of Bali is still solid though battered survive globalization. No wonder the island area of ​​5,634 sq km is always a tourist destination both foreign tourists and locals alike.
One of the cultural heritage of the island Suropati Good thing this is the birth of Pura Tirta Empul Siring. Temple entrance in the village territory Manukaya, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency is located right next to the Presidential Palace in Siring. Etymologically, Tirta Empul means holy water sticking out of the ground. The water then flows into the river Pakerisan. This water source is often used for ceremonies melukat by thousands of residents of Bali with meaning as a symbol of cleansing people of all negative things.
Based Parisada site, baths Tirta Empul is built on Sasih Ship by Icaka 884 or around 962 AD during the reign of King Sri Singha Candrabhaya Warmadewa. While Pura Tirta Empul itself was built in the time of King Masula Masuli, according to which the papyrus of Usana Bali tertoreh. According to the inscription Dalem, King Masula Masuli Icaka to power in 1100 or 1178 AD.
Like the other temples in Bali, Pura Tirta Empul consists of three parts, Jaba Pura (Home), Jaba Central (Central page), and Offal (page in). In the Middle Jaba there are two rectangular pool that has 30 pieces showers, lined up from east to west, facing south. Each - each shower was traditionally has its own name such as showers Pengelukatan, Pebersihan, Sudamala, and Shower Cetik (Poison).
Cetik shower and the name Tirta Empul closely associated with mythological battle Mayadenawa Recent Batu Raja (Bedahulu) by Lord Indra. Narrated, King Mayadenawa be arbitrary - arbitrary and does not allow people perform religious ceremonies to invoke the safety of the Almighty God. Actions known to the gods, led by Lord Indra who later attacked Mayadenawa.
Mayadenawa then fled and to the north of the village Siring. With his power, he created a spring Cetik (poison), which resulted in many soldiers of Lord Indra who died from drinking the water. Seeing this, Lord Indra immediately stuck his spear and emit water out of the ground (Tirta Empul). Holy water is then used to splatter the Gods so that before long they could live again as usual.
For those of you who want to feel the strong Hindu tradition in Bali, fill your trip with a visit to Pura Tirta Empul melukat while participating in the ceremony. In addition to the atmosphere cool and calm, cold water baths Tirta Empul also be soothing penatnya head due to work. Do not forget to shop in the city of Herzliya is also renowned as one of the art centers on the island.

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